
Parents Weekend 2018.jpg

We couldn't do it without you...

After all, this whole thing wouldn't work without the donations we receive from our generous alumni. In order to support the house, host our tailgates, maintain the website, send newsletters, and shepherd new brothers into life long membership we need funds.

In 2023, we received a record $72,449 in donations and in-kind services from a record 221 (unique individuals) brothers, family and friends. It was another banner year in terms of participation since we re-formed and re-started the VT-DKE Alumni Association in 1999. We hope to top these numbers this year, and we can't do it without your help!

Below is the official list of all the donors for 2023. Thank you!




Rick Abraham

Will Adams

John Alday

David Alexander

Mike Aliff

Charles Amacker

Cheryl Anderson

Dick Anderson

Steve Anderson


James Aumer


Caleb Babin

Jack Baker

Mike Beam

Barry Bishop

Taylor Blake

Alex Blevins

Kyle Blevins

John Boatwright

Roger Bolick

Richard Bomgardner

Melissa Booker

Theta Bowden

Jeffrey Bowman

Alec Bradley

Chuck Bradley

Jack Branche

John Burgess

RIchard Byrd


Dave Calhoun

Greg Carneal

Tae Choi

Tony Ciappara

Dan Coley

Herb Collins

Mason Colt

Michael Colt

Randy Colthorpe

Heather Craig

Michael Craig

Ryan Craig

John Crawford

Steve Cronemeyer

Charlie Cubberly

Jack Cullen

Joe Czul


Kalen DaCosta

Andrew Dailey

Logan Dailey

Christain Daly

Jim Daniel

Jim Day

Matt DeJager

John Demmon

Spencer Desrochers

Sam Dibert

Bob Dreelin

Dennis Dreelin

Bill Driskill

Dan Duvall


Rohan Elwadhi

Ralph English

Jandre Erwee


Nick Fattman

Mike Field

Eric Fortin

Carter Frazier

Dan Frith


Stephen Gadinas

Larry Gaskins

Paul Gates

RJ Giarusso

Stephen Gillespie

Gabe Giudice

Arline Gomez

Karen Gomez

Solomon Gomez

Vilma Gomez

Garrett Godshall

Larry Goodall

Erik Gordon

Jay Gosnear

Andrew Gregory

Jonathan Gullet

Matt Gyimesi


Rob Hahn

Rick Hall

Jack Hare

Lisa Harlin

Trevor Harlin

Dave Haskins

Mike Hawkins

Mickey Hayes

Glen Haynes

Sandra Hazelwood

Nick Henderson

Phil Hickman

John Hinkle

David Holliday

Jack Hutcheson



Dan James

Dillon Jiang

Cliff Johnson

Daniel Johnson

Paula Johnson

Wesley Johnson


Matt Kelly

Drew King

Patrick King

Chris Koch

Chris Koehler

Vincent Kohlbecker

Yianni Koumentros


Adam Lackey

Jason Lacks

Weston Lahr

Jack Langford

Andrew Lee

Roger Leibowitz

Mark Lenzi

Lynn Leslie

Keith Loehlein


Warren Maccaroni

Mark Madigan

Majunder Akshath

Scott Martin

Ray Martini

Billy Mason

David Mason

Hank Mattox

Debby McFee-Page

Russ McKinnon

Andrew McLaughlin

Steve McNair

Mark McNees

Evan Miller

Mike Miller

Taylor Jones Miller

Luke Monahan

Brian Moody

Temple Moore

Brendan Murphy

Chuck Murphy

Joanna Murphy



Mike O’Connell

Kevin O’Meara

Yassin Ouedraogo

Ed Owens


Asish Patel

Scott Pennington

Drew Pettit

Bob Phillips

Charlie Phlegar

Doug Prundl


Rampant Lion Foundation - Sigma Alpha Fund

Austin Raney

Tyler Raney

Tom Rash

Adam Read

Jake Riedelsheimer

Paul Rinaldi

Ben Robison

Jeff Rose

Marie Rose

Xiwei Rose

Susan Russell


James T. Scanlon

Joey Scanlon

Conor Schaeur

Ethan Schafer

Henry Scheck

JA Schilling

Pete Schmitz

Craig Scimeca

Tyler Seguine

Dan Sexton

Matt Sherry

Grayson Shultz

Fred Simmons

Stephen Skrip

Chip Smith

Bob Snyder

Jason Spooner

Bob Sullivan

Paul Surry

Bonnie Susen

Matt Szpakowski


Paul Thomson

Brian Trader

Troy Turner



Scott Van Voorhees

Bill Vasaly

Peter Vasilikos

Ron Vergakis

Gary Vineyard

John Vogt


Harold Wainman

John Walker

Josh Waller

Peter Waller

Charlie Webb

Dirk Whittaker

Blake Wickham

Charles ‘Tom’ Wilkinson

Tom ‘Colonel’ Wilkinson

LeAnn Wilson

Matt Willson

Matt Wilson F’09

Matt Wilson F’22

Drew Wine

Peyton Winfree

Sands Woody

Rich Worchester

J. Michael Wright


Stephen Yee


AJ Zalis

Sean Zechman

Dave Zentmeyer