
Charles Landon Carter Minor

Delta Kappa Epsilon has as long a history as any fraternity, and its brothers have held many important leadership positions.

An Eta (Virginia) alumnus recently found a pin from a brother from the 1860's.  The pin was engraved with "Minor" on its back. In their search to find out just who this brother was, they dug up a couple candidates. The winning candidate was a fellow by the name of Charles Nelson Berkeley Minor, who has his share of stories; he was at the Appomattox Courthouse for the surrender.

Berkeley's brother, Charles Landon Carter Minor, made more of a difference for our lives. Carter was the first president of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, then a new land grant university and now Virginia Tech. I recommend following the link above to read about his history with the school.

History from HQ

This summer the Sigma Alpha Dekes have two brothers working at DKE International Headquarters. Will Adams, president of 2014-2015, is an intern and Charlie Cubberly, treasurer for 2013-2015, is DKE's newest chapter consultant. 

Their access to the archives of DKE history have proved useful in finding gems in the old DKE quarterlies. Below is a series of photographs of articles from the DKE quarterlies of yesteryear.  See if you recognize any familiar faces.  Hopefully there is more to come!


Origins of BC Moose

Drew Wine dug up a gem.  The sheet above shows the money pledged by the brotherhood for the auction to buy BC Moose. If it wasn't for these guys, we wouldn't have the beautiful moose hanging on the second floor.  

Newly discovered in my basement, the Pledge Sheet for the acquisition of Deke’s BC Moose!
Pledges collected at apartment party the night before Hank, Theta and I went to the auction in Rocky Mt. This sheet is a roster of our generation and typifies our dedication to party together and give a little for a great cause
— Drew Wine